Local Foraging Excursion


In this experience, you will explore the Fall's Lake area with a team of other foragers while working together to identify several species of culinary winter fungi as well as edible vegetation. You'll get to learn all about the nutritional and healing qualities of whatever you find and will be able to take some home to enjoy yourself! Some examples of things you may find include amber jelly roll, brick cap, enoki, Late Fall Oyster, Orange Jelly, Oyster Mushroom, Witch's Butter, and Wood Ear mushrooms.

*Mandatory Requirement: Attendees absolutely must wear Bright Orange or Green clothing to ensure safety. (Does not need to be a vest, could be a shirt or jacket, but must be worn overtop any jackets, sweatshirts, etc.)*

Learn more about Wild Food Foragers here.

*This gift voucher is redeemable for 9 months from date of purchase . Just inquire at the link below to schedule*

**If you are interested in including more friends or family in this experience, please inquire using the booking form found here.